Inauguration of the Anglès bypass (spain)


On Friday 22 November, the Anglès (Girona) bypass of the C-63 road was inaugurated, which is expected to carry around 7,000 vehicles a day. This project, which OSSA has carried out in a joint venture with the companies CRC Obras y Servicios and Rubau-Tarrés S.A. for Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, includes the Anglès Tunnel, 483m long and 76m2 of free section, 12.5m wide and 7.5m high. The tunnel was excavated using the new Austrian excavation method using mechanical means (backhoes with a hammer and shovel), with occasional usage of explosives.

At OSSA we are proud to have participated in this project, which will benefit both the residents of Anglès and all users of the C-63.