Toquepala Mine


Project Information: Primary crusher and conveyor belt transportation tunnel. Length of 2 km. Tunnel section 35.08 m² with width extensions every 200 m. The mine area is at 3,600 m above sea level, resulting in snowed areas. The mine deposit at Toquepala contains copper and molybdenum. Rocks with predominant RMR (Rock Mass Rating) of between 30 and 40. Extension of tunnel secondary section of 160 ml underpass industrial railway of 60 ml and rectangular 8×4. 62,000 m3 of tunnel excavation. 250,000 m3 of portal excavation. 7,000 m of 1” diameterhelical bolts L=10’. 470 HEB trusses 160. 30 cm gunite thickness.

País: Peru
Provincia: Tacna
Municipio: Departamento de Tacna
Montera: 350 m


  • Horseshoe section tunnel 7,20 x 5.30 m² (35.08 m³/ml)
  • 1 Tube

Método Constructivo:

  • Drill and blast

Geología y Geotecnia:

  • Andesite and rhyolites (volcanic intrusion). Seismicity 0.4 g.

Maquinaria Empleada:

  • Atlas Copco Jumbos XL2C
  • Robots PM500
  • CAT 320 backhoes
  • Manitou platforms