Project Information: The Bekkelaget water treatment plant will increase treatment capacity from 4m3/s to 8m3/s. The works to be carried out will serve to expand the capacity of the current plant from 290,000 to 500,000 population equivalent. The Project represents the largest environmental works currently underway in Norway and will involve underground excavation, by drill and blast, of over 500,000 m3 of rock. It also includes carrying out support/reinforcement and structural work throughout the entire expansion of the plant. Furthermore, demolition and removal of concrete structures and tanks from the existing plant are also included in this contract. The works will be carried out between 2014 and 2016. As individual projects 5 caverns of between 300 and 425 m2 in cross-section 180 m in length will be built, as well as access and evacuation tunnels, shafts, digesters, and storage and treatment tanks, with a total length of approximately 2 km.