Andesita Project. Sinking Level and Production Level. Package 1


Project Information: The project consists of two phases of execution: 16 and 26 months. The horizontal developments will be executed at the sinking and production levels,
14,696 m in total (3,790 m + 10,906 m). The work also includes 243 m
vertical developments and civil, electrical, instrumentation and special works

País: Chile
Provincia: O’Higgins Region, Cachapoal Province
Municipio: Machalí


  • Cross section: 5.4x5.0 / 5.2x5.1 / 4.2x4.1 / 5.2x4.6 / 4.7x4.3
  • Lenght: 3,918m / 3,563m / 3,355m / 2,052m / 1,050m

Método Constructivo:

  • Full face drill & blast

Geología y Geotecnia:

Maquinaria Empleada:

  • Backhoes
  • Low profile loaders
  • Mining trucks
  • Articulated trucks
  • Telehandlers
  • Drilling jumbos
  • Bolt hole drilling
  • Jumbos and shotcrete machines